Discipleship House

The Discipleship House is a place where young men, many of whom have gone through drug rehab, can go to live for six months to a year to help them develop a closer walk with our Lord Jesus. The mission of the discipleship house is to provide youth with a safe place where they can focus on their relationship with the Lord, being trained up to the point where they are not only growing spiritually but also helping others in their Christian walk.

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”
2Timothy 2:2

Discipleship House Key Components

  • Classes with an emphasis on teaching the basics of the Christian walk.
  • Practical application emphasising establishing a good work ethic and sharing Christ in the marketplace.
  • Participating in outreaches in the surrounding communities.

Support The Discipleship House

Would you like to join us in ministering to those who need what our Discipleship House has to offer? You can support the work by going HERE to donate, selecting “Discipleship House” in the dropdown. You can also mail a check to the address below (be sure to write “Discipleship House” in the memo field of your check). Thank you!

Touch Baja / Discipleship House
P.O. Box 530468
San Diego, CA 92153, USA

Contact Us

If you have questions or would like someone to contact you regarding the Discipleship House, please fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.

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