Short-Term Missions Trip
Eat. Volunteer. Sleep. Repeat.Touch lives with your life
Because Jesus said so.
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.
– john 20:21
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
– Mark 16:15
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
– Matthew 9:37-38
What our Lord said to His disciples 2,000 years ago is still true today, there is a huge harvest but very few workers. Perhaps the Lord has not called you to be a full-time missionary in a foreign land but you can join us for a short amount of time and help with the harvest here in Tijuana. Teams come for as little as a day or for a couple of weeks. If you, your church or group are interested in short-term missions with us let us know and we will contact you ASAP.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long is a “short-term” trip?
Short-term teams are welcome for a day to several weeks. Most teams stay for a weekend to a week.
What is the cost for a short-term team?
We try to keep the cost as low as possible. Meals cost about $5 per person per meal. For a room the cost can range from $5 to $30 a night depending of the option you choose. The least expensive would be to sleep on the floor in one of our churches. Another option is to stay at a facility with beds and hot showers.
What are our options for traveling to Tijuana?
There are a number of travel options. You can drive across the border, be picked up at the border after arriving in San Diego by car, plane or a train. Tijuana has an international airport where you can arrive. If you rent a vehicle be sure to check that you are allowed cross the border.
Do I need to get car insurance to drive to Tijuana?
Some policies allow you to travel into Mexico up to a specified distance. You should check with your insurance company. You should never drive into Mexico without insurance. The cost of Mexican insurance is very reasonable.
Is it dangerous in Tijuana?
For members of short-term teams it is very safe. Probably as safe as your home town. That being said, Tijuana is not safe for those who are involved in the drug trade with one of the highest murder rates in the world. The vast majority of which is drug dealers killing other drug dealers.
Is it safe to drink the water or eat the food?
In Tijuana almost no one drinks the water from the tap. If you are given water in a restaurant or home the water will be safe to drink. Whenever you go to a distant location it is possible that you will not be accustomed to the microbes of the region and may have some slight discomfort. On very rare occasions some team members will be a little uncomfortable for a few days.