Discipleship Ministries
Along with fulfilling it’s primary ministry aim of planting replicating churches founded upon and teaching the truth of God’s Word, Touch Baja has established specific discipleship ministries to assist the local church raise up a new generation of believers. These ministries – Vencedores Rehab House and the Discipleship House – help youth break the addiction to drugs and alcohol through a relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a place to further equip them to live out and share their faith.
Discipleship Ministries
Drug abuse is rampant among the youth in Tijuana. We estimate that about 80% of the youth in one of the communities where we work use drugs. With very few rehabs in Tijuana dedicated to working only with youth, Vencedores works to help youth break the chains of addiction through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Then, with the church’s assistance, we work to start them on the life long process of discipleship and equipping. Learn more by clicking HERE.

Discipleship House

The mission of Discipleship House, a place where young men can go to live for six months to a year, is to provide a safe place where they can to focus on their relationship with the Lord and develop a closer walk with Him. Those who live in the home, many of whom have gone through drug rehab, are simply wanting to focus on their relationship with the Lord, being trained up to the point where they are not only growing spiritually but also abnle to help others. Learn more by clicking HERE.